No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

An unexpected pregnancy can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You may know you don’t wish to parent a child, so what are your other options? You technically have two: abortion and adoption.  Abortion is a major medical decision and the only option that terminates the pregnancy. Adoption can be

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Abortion carries a number of possible risks and complications, so it is not a procedure to take lightly. If you’re considering a medical or surgical abortion, arm yourself with factual information to make the best possible choice for yourself.  One of the major complications of abortion is called incomplete abortion. We’ll outline the signs of

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What Is the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill, otherwise known as a medical abortion, is used to terminate an early pregnancy before 10 weeks of gestation. It isn’t for everyone, especially those with more advanced pregnancies or certain medical conditions.  Learning more about medical abortion will help you to make a more informed and proactive decision about your pregnancy options,

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

For many women, an unplanned pregnancy can be really frightening. Deciding what to do can feel overwhelming, so it’s important to not rush into a decision, and instead understand all of your options.  Perhaps you are considering abortion. While it may seem like a straightforward medical procedure, abortion can cause mental health issues in some

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How to Tell Your Baby’s Father and Family You Are Pregnant

If you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy, know that you are not alone! Learning you are pregnant can be overwhelming and scary, and you may wonder how to tell your baby’s father and family.  In this post, we’ll discuss how you can share this news with your loved ones.  What Should I Be Thinking

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

If you are thinking about having an abortion, you may be wondering about the different procedures available to you, as well as their side effects and risks.  You deserve to have all of your questions answered by a trusted professional. Your health is important! Medical Abortion A medical abortion, otherwise known as the “abortion pill,”

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What Can Guys Do About an Unplanned Pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy can take guys by surprise. If your partner or spouse is unexpectedly pregnant, you could feel unsure of what to do next. Even if you feel uncertain or unsteady, your unwavering support can make a world of difference in the life of your pregnant partner. Supportive Steps Guys Can Take As you

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Women contemplating abortion deserve to be aware of the health risks of this serious medical procedure. Depending on the type of abortion, risks can vary. Some risks to discuss with your provider or local pregnancy center are: Other risks include: What Should I Do Before Getting An Abortion Women can protect their health by having

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What to Expect During My Appointment

When considering making an appointment at a pregnancy clinic, it can be a little nerve-wracking if you don’t know what to expect.  Many women are concerned about visiting a clinic that will judge them for their choices or appearance, or that their personal beliefs or privacy will not be respected.  At Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic, we

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Benefits of Parenting Classes

When you’re expecting a child for the first time, the idea of becoming a parent can seem overwhelming at first. Parenting is a unique experience that can bring great joy, but also challenges as well. A great way to prepare yourself for parenthood is by attending parenting classes that answer your questions and set you

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