No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

You should visit Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic if:

  • You think you could be pregnant
  • You are facing an unplanned pregnancy
  • You are considering abortion

We offer free and confidential services to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy decisions.

Free Help & Services

At Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic in Columbus, GA, we provide several important services for no charge, so that you have all the information you need to make healthy and informed decisions about your pregnancy.

  • A free lab-quality pregnancy test at our clinic with same day results
  • A free limited obstetrical ultrasound, dependant upon nurse consultation
  • Free support services
  • Free educational materials about your pregnancy options
  • Free parenting classes

No matter what your situation is, all of our services are provided free of charge. Simply call (706) 322-5024 or visit our website to make an appointment online.

Confidential Support

Our services are not only free – they are also completely confidential. We promise never to reveal any information about you or the services you received, including pregnancy test results or topics that are discussed.

Of course, you are always welcome to bring others along with you for additional support or perspective. Bring your partner, a trusted friend, or even a family member; they are always welcome in our clinic.

When is the Right Time to Come to Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic?

Patients often ask how they can know if we can help them. Here are a few different ways we can help:

  • Have you taken a pregnancy test at home but want to make sure the results are accurate? We’ll provide you with a second result for no charge.
  • Do you need to take a pregnancy test in complete confidentiality? We offer same-day appointments and results, and we promise never to share your information.
  • Are you overwhelmed with the idea that you could be pregnant? Our volunteer patient advocates can give you advice and help, or simply listen to your concerns.
  • Do you need practical advice and help, such as referrals to an OB/GYN? Our staff are happy to help you get the information and referrals you need.

We’ve helped women from all walks of life with their unplanned or unexpected pregnancy decisions. No matter what brings you to our door, we promise to treat you with respect, compassion, and care. Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic in Columbus, GAis here for you. Call us today at (706) 322-5024 to Request an appointment or visit our website to learn more about how we can help.


Greater Things Are Yet to Come.