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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Have you recently had an abortion, or maybe it’s been years? You may be struggling to cope and not sure where to turn for help. You are not alone

Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) is defined as an individual’s struggle to express and work through thoughts and feelings following an abortion. PASS is the ongoing inability to:

  • Process the painful thoughts and emotions, particularly guilt, grief, and anger, which come from one or more abortions.
  • Identify or grieve the loss that has been experienced.
  • Come to peace with oneself or others regarding the abortion decision.

Our Abortion Recovery Support exists as a safe place for women to address their individual experiences with abortion and find the support they need.

This service is provided in a confidential, one-on-one setting with an abortion recovery leader who has also experienced hope and healing after an abortion.

To connect with our Abortion Recovery leader, email her at

Greater Things Are Yet to Come.