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No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

Did you recently have an abortion, or maybe it’s been years? You may be struggling to cope and not sure where to turn for help. You’re not alone.

Many complications and side effects can occur after an abortion, including emotional and mental side effects. A study of over 800,000 women found that post-abortive women are more likely to be at risk for mental health problems including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.

You may experience trauma that causes both emotional and psychological effects after abortion. Find the peace you need with our post-abortion support. 

Are You Experiencing Trauma?

To better define trauma, the CDC states it is an event that causes significant stress to the individual who has experienced it. Medical News Today says, “Psychological trauma is a response to an event that a person finds highly stressful.”

Post-Abortion Stress

Many people don’t realize the mental and psychological effects an abortion can have. Post-Abortion Stress (PAS) is defined as an individual’s struggle to express and work through thoughts and feelings about a pregnancy, an abortion, and striving to come to peace with oneself and others. PAS is the ongoing inability to:

  • Process the painful thoughts and emotions, particularly guilt, grief and anger, which come from one or more abortions.
  • Identify or grieve the loss that has been experienced.
  • Come to peace with oneself or others regarding the abortion decision.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

The emotions you feel regarding your abortion are real and valid. It’s important to acknowledge what you are feeling and do your best to not suppress them. 

Common emotions you may experience are:

  • Sadness or Sorrow
  • Feeling of Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Isolation
  • Regret or Guilt
  • Emotional Pain
  • Nightmares
  • Anger or Rage
  • Suicidal Impulses
  • Self-destructive Behavior

Healing is possible After Abortion

Our Abortion Recovery Support exists as a safe place for women to address their individual experiences with abortion and find the support they need. This service is for women who need to talk to someone in a confidential and non-judgmental environment.

We offer compassionate and confidential abortion recovery support. Please consider visiting us. To connect with our Abortion Recovery leader, email her at

Greater Things Are Yet to Come.