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When your girlfriend or partner comes to you with news of pregnancy, it’s natural to feel many different emotions. You might be scared, confused, upset, or even excited. But no matter how you feel about the situation, there are some things you need to do to ensure you both are healthy and safe.

First Steps

Before you do anything else, there are a few essential questions you should ask. Make sure you get the answers to these questions before you make any decisions or take any further action.

Is She Really Pregnant?

The first question you need to answer is, “Is she really pregnant?” You’d be surprised how many women think they could be pregnant and tell their partner before they’ve even taken a pregnancy test.

If you aren’t sure where to get a pregnancy test or want to make sure you can trust the results, come to Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic today. We offer totally free and confidential pregnancy testing services.

Is the Pregnancy Viable?

Once your girlfriend has taken a pregnancy test and gotten a positive result, the next step is to see if the pregnancy is viable. A surprising percentage of them are not, and will either self-terminate or require medical intervention (such as in the case of an ectopic pregnancy).

You can confirm pregnancy viability with an obstetric ultrasound. We offer free ultrasound examinations (per medical evaluation) to women who receive a positive pregnancy test result at our clinic.

What Does She Need?

Along with making sure the pregnancy is safe, you should also make sure your partner is. As much as you’re going through, recognize that your girlfriend is experiencing all that and more. Women’s bodies go through rapid and difficult changes during pregnancy, and your girlfriend may have trouble handling them all. Try to be understanding and compassionate during this time, and realize she may need help even if she doesn’t ask for it.

What Do You Need?

Many men in this situation make the mistake of concentrating so much on their girlfriend and the pregnancy that they forget to take care of themselves. However, it’s perfectly natural to take some time to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor. You shouldn’t feel like you have to suppress your own emotions to make it through this situation. Instead, find an outlet for these feelings.

Face the Situation Together

The one thing that’s most important to remember in this situation is that you’re on the same team, and your decisions affect both of you. When one of you gets frustrated, angry, or scared – and the chances are that will happen – just remember that you’re stronger together.

Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic offers support, counsel, and free services. Call us today at (706) 322-5024 or Request an appointment online to talk about your options and next steps.


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