No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center

You likely have a lot on your mind when you’re unexpectedly pregnant. The added stress of an abusive partner can make this situation even more challenging.

Abuse doesn’t just mean physical harm. A partner can also be sexually, verbally, emotionally, or financially abusive as well. Now, more than ever, making a safety plan and receiving the help you deserve is crucial.

Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic is a nonjudgmental source of support during an unexpected pregnancy. Continue reading to learn more about the steps you can take to protect yourself.

If you have additional questions, please request a free and confidential appointment today to learn how we can help.

1. Identify whether you are in an emergency situation.

Sometimes, people don’t realize how abusive their home environment is for months or even years. Whether the abuse began five days ago or five years ago, you deserve to live in a safe environment.

If you fear for your life when you are with your partner, time is of the essence. Call 911 in an emergency situation. Even if your partner hasn’t yet touched you but is making threatening remarks, you could be in danger.

Perhaps your partner isn’t physically or sexually abusive but still belittles, insults, or mocks you. Abuse is abuse, and it’s crucial to remember that it can escalate during pregnancy. It can even harm your baby and cause preterm birth, injuries, and more.

Your partner may feel that being pregnant means you are in an especially vulnerable or weakened state. They may even try to coerce you into making a pregnancy decision like abortion.

If you are not in an emergency situation but need help creating a path to safety, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at any time. A live advocate will discuss your situation and provide the resources you need.

2. Seek support from a loved one.

As difficult as it can be to share your situation, know that seeking help isn’t embarrassing or shameful–it is brave. Ask to speak to a neighbor, friend, or family member you can trust.

Don’t be afraid to discuss the specifics of what you need help with. Your loved one can help you locate a domestic violence shelter, find community resources, and even pack a bag with essential documents, medications, and valuables.

Even if your loved one doesn’t have all the answers or resources, they can still point you toward help and provide emotional support. Remember: there are people in your corner who want you to feel safe and happy.

3. Take a deep breath and remember that you aren’t alone.

Abuse can feel like an isolating experience, even after you are in a safe environment. However, know that you aren’t alone.

Around 324,000 pregnant women experience abuse in the United States every year. As concerning as this statistic is, it means that other women have been in your shoes. They understand what you are going through and what it means to have support.

When you are ready, consider joining a support group. You can find community with women who have been where you are–and found happiness again.

You Are Welcome Here

At Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic, we care about your unique situation. If you are unexpectedly pregnant and have faced abuse, know that we provide information and resources so you can make a pressure-free pregnancy decision.

We’re here to be a source of emotional support. Request a free and confidential appointment today.

Greater Things Are Yet to Come.