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Preparing to tell your parents about an unexpected pregnancy can make you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Whether you are worried about disappointing them or are uncertain about your next steps, this can be an emotional time.

We’re here for you. You don’t have to navigate this situation—or your conversations with loved ones—alone. Request a confidential appointment to learn how we can help.

Keep reading to learn helpful tips for sharing the news with your parents.

1. Take some time to process your situation.

After learning you’re pregnant, you may immediately think of the what-ifs.

What if I have trouble making a pregnancy decision?

What if my parents are angry with me?

What if my family disagrees with my decision?

Take a deep breath. These questions are normal, but remember that you are capable of taking the next step and having hard conversations. Spend some time processing your situation and initial feelings.

If you haven’t already, it can be helpful to consider your pregnancy options and identify one you’re leaning toward. Your parents may ask for this information, and if you feel comfortable sharing, it may demonstrate that you’ve thought carefully about your situation.

2. Choose an appropriate time and place.

Sharing this news can be nerve-wracking, and you’ll want to do so in a comfortable environment. Where do you feel most at ease?

Additionally, consider when you’ll want to tell your parents. Sometimes, the stress of work and everyday life can distract them. Select a time when they can give their full attention to this conversation.

If you’re concerned about their reaction, consider bringing a trusted friend or family member for extra support.

3. Be open and honest—and give them time to process the news.

During this conversation, it’s best to be transparent about your pregnancy. Explaining which option(s) you’re considering and providing details like how far along you are (if you know this) can provide clarity.

Your parents may react how you expected, or they might behave in a way you didn’t anticipate. Perhaps they’ll be disappointed, anxious, or even supportive. Predicting how exactly they’ll react in the moment can be challenging. Give them time to process the news afterward and remind yourself that it’s likely a lot to take in.

In the days after the conversation, you can identify whether your parents will offer support and help with your biggest priorities. Even if they seem unsupportive, know that there are people in your corner who can help with the ups and downs of this time.

The pregnancy decision is yours to make. No one else can decide—no matter their relation to you. We’ll help you understand your options and get the facts.

We’re Here For You

Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic provides medical pregnancy services and nonjudgmental information. We’ll help you confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options.

You are not alone. We can navigate this time together. Request a free and confidential appointment today.

Greater Things Are Yet to Come.