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We all have times when we make a decision quickly and then change our minds after thinking it through. Have you started the abortion pill process but changed your mind? 


If you’ve only taken the first drug, you may be able to reverse its effects with Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)—but time is of the essence. The sooner you begin the reversal process, the better success you will have. Call (877) 558-0333.


What Is Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)?

The abortion pill is also called a medical or chemical abortion and is made up of two drugs. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the uterus. 


All pregnancies need progesterone to survive and grow. Without this vital hormone, your uterine lining starts to thin, which causes your pregnancy to detach and end. 


To reverse the effects of mifepristone, Abortion Pill Reversal floods the body with progesterone. The goal is to replenish the uterine lining so the pregnancy remains attached.


How Successful is APR?

The reversal process is proven to be successful, but it is not guaranteed. Studies show that the success rate ranges from 64 to 68%


How quickly you begin doses of progesterone after taking the first drug of the abortion pill method can determine success. The APR Helpline encourages you to contact them within 24 hours after taking the first drug, but a successful reversal may be possible up to 72 hours afterward. The sooner the reversal is started, the better.


How Do I Get APR?

Contact the 24/7 Abortion Pill Reversal Helpline at (877) 558-0333 or go to their website to chat with an online representative. They will connect you with a prescriber in your area. If you are in the Columbus, GA area, please ask to be connected with Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic.


If I Keep My Baby, I Will Need Help

We understand this situation is stressful, and you may be confused and afraid.  We are here for you and ready to help. At Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic, we offer several free and confidential services


Come to us for pregnancy confirmation, education, and material support through our Nesting Notions Boutique. Call us at 706-322-5024 to learn more about our free parenting classes. 

You do not have to face this alone. Contact the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline at (877) 558-0333 and get free, ongoing support from the team at Sound Choices.

Greater Things Are Yet to Come.